
HIP HOP LYRICS :: Reverberation


Sometimes my mind wanders

And I ponder why I squander

So much time

To clutch dimes

And bust rhymes

Of a fonder

Space and time

To replace this grime

This chase to find


is a waste of time

Just fine, must grind

Don’t stray behind

A culture that’s blind


To what’s been designed

Minds aligned with the media

Let corporations get seedier

While the Bush’s get greedier

The needy get needier -

Images on tape


To feed multimedia

Encyclopedia Britannica

White, black to Hispanica

Across the Atlantic ‘ta

Make a splash like Titanic

Gigantic when we’re united

Every one is invited

Reunited as one


culturally divided

Ignite when I write it

Incite and excited

They fight to indict us

But the light is inside us

Our might is the brightest

So let our conscious’s guide us

And the trust will provide us

A rush that’s just

Just in spite us

Such a touch is like Midas

And quite the burdon to carry

It’s absurd whose preferred

W. Bush

and not Kerry

Our future is scary

Contrary to what you might hear

So it’s time to fight fear

Right here

Right now my sight’s clear

Against this conservative’s

nerve to give

Reserves with kids

And those who protect and serve

without the respect

they deserve

Observed and objective?

The media serves his perspective

His claims of protection

Used fear to win the election

The Bush resurrection

Will be met with contention

To reject his selection

And suspect his intentions

And directions

And connections

To false U.N. inspections

Dissection of his defection

Is reflection of my objection

To flubbed actions

Snubbed factions

Soldiers missing like


The remainder

have disdain ‘fer

using us for his gain

But the blame is our own

For his reign not overthrown

An overblown


Man-child claims his throne

So lets atone to storm the palace

And throw stones until we’re calloused

And reclaim the natural balance

That the republicans stole with malice

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